Reko v Heisenberg SchH1 (Imp NZ)

Sire:Troll v Haus Milinda SchH3(Ger)
Dam: Faith z Xazziam(imp NWY))
Whelped: 22.3.04

Chico is the most successful representative of the Troll v Haus Milinda sireline currently at stud in Australia.Troll was a 4X WUSV competitor and runner up world Champion in 2000.His sire Natz v Tegelhaus was a 3XWUSV competitor and world Champion.Chicos dam Faith Xazziam (imp NWY) has herself been a successful producer of sport and service dogs,she is linebred 2.2 on the J litter Lindenhalle.Jenni VH3/Jago Schh3 HGH FH.It is a super pedigree studded with top performers and outstanding producers.At the 2007 Australian National Schutzhund trial under FCI judge and WUSV CH Haruo Masuda, Chico was National Ch SchH1,National High in Trial,National H.O.T Ch and High in Trial protection.As well as being a highly competitive sport dog and sire of sport dogs Chico has proven to be a very successful sire of service dogs with many progeny in Police departments and Corrective services throughout Australia.

Chico is a large powerful male that exhibits very strong nerves and excellent drives,he shows a great willingness to work and exhibits self assurance in all situations,Chicco is territorial at home but reliable ,trustworthy and social when out.Chicco stood at stud here with us in South Australia for 5months,,a thankyou to Kovacs Kennels for entrusting us with this outstanding individual

Watch Chicos obedience routine

Chiccos brother Radar von Heisenberg PD.2009 GSDAC service dog of the year award and successful sire.

Pedigree: Reko v Heisenberg SchH1

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Troll v Haus Milinda SchH3 IPO3 FH












Natz v Tegelhaus SchH3
WUSV X3 World CH 1993
Fado v Kathago SchH3 IPO3
WUSV CH 1989
Frika v Maarlohof SchH3
Quira v Haus Heijack SchH3 IPO3
Orry v Haus Antverpa SchH3 IPO3
3 x World CH,WUSV 92,96 FCI 96
Norma v Tegelhaus IPO3


Faith v Xazziam (Imp Nwy)

Colin v Haus Ming VH3 PH1 Iko vd Lindenhalle SchH3
Jenni v d Lindenhalle SchH1 VH3
Nadja v Cap Arkona SchH2 Jago vd Lindenhalle SchH3 HGH FH
Uschi v Bonsdorf SchH2